Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bunnies vs. Ducklings: Who's Cuter?

I was recently exhorted by my friend Maqhal to write a post regarding whether bunny rabbits are cuter than ducklings, or if the reverse is true.

After extensive and exhausting research I still cannot reach a definitive conclusion, though I personally lean slightly toward the bunny side of the argument. That bias is probably from a run in I had with some ducks during my younger years, I won't go into detail in that story, however, as it was traumatic and I am still dealing with the long term consequences of it. Of course, it would be unprofessional of me to let my personal biases colour my findings, and so I am trying to be as impartial as I can be.

Bunnies are soft, cuddly, have large eyes, cute widdle ears, and make excellent pets. On the flip side, their urine is rather stinky, and they have sharp pointy teeth that can do a considerable amount of physical damage (such as gnawing through a grown man's neck). Edit: Rabbits also have been known to attack snakes.

Ducklings are downy, have cute widdle beaks, are less likely than bunnies to be homocidal, and are excellent as side dishes. They don't make as good a pet as a bunny does, since trying to pet them can lead to terrifying attacks from said duckling's mother. Trust me on that one, it's an ugly scene.


Ultimately, whether one is cuter than the other is up to you, the reader. Again, my preferance is bunnies, but that's just me.