Thursday, December 2, 2010

Old Poetry

So, i found this random piece of paper on my bedroom floor (not at all unusual, mind you) and it had the following "poem" hastily scribbled on the back of it. Thought it might be worth sharing. Can't say i remember the context surrounding my writing it, but interesting to see where i've come from, perhaps.

when the night is at its darkest
and i feel so painfully empty
so lost
so forsaken
when i want nothing more than to be held
when i can do naught but cry in bitter, emasculated, self-loathing
(will you show me the final count of those shed tears, in the end?)
it is during such times that i say:
"i am abandoned,
God has never forsaken me."
what can i say to those who despair?
to those who mourn?
to those who fear the dark?
"Never will I leave you,
nor will I forsake you."

(To give credit where it's due the line "i am abandoned, God has never forsaken me." is lovingly borrowed from the Children 18:3 song "Abandoned")